
Halloween is one of my least favorite holidays…spiders, creepy crawlers, ghosts…oh my! I think it stems from growing up in Minnesota, where all you wanted to do was wear a normal Jasmine Halloween costume and trick-or-treat outside…but those nasty snow storms always got in the way. Collecting candy at the mall wearing snowboots and a parka just didn’t give my costumes the oomph I always wanted. However, my husband Jeff LOVES the day. It’s one of the only areas we disagree on…other than popcorn and ranch (he hates it…now that, my friends, is an actual horror). So, in an effort to bridge the gap and continue trying this thing they call “compromise”, I’ve included a few Halloweeny party ideas below, including some wonderful ways to incorporate the day into your big day that I actually love! Compromise…what a wonderful thing.

Happy Halloween y’all! Be safe…and eat all the candy you can possibly stomach.